Good Communication Leads to Meaningful Connections

While we know nothing can replace deep, meaningful relationships, we have found that staying connected through social media, SJCC App, and other communications leads to deeper relationships.
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Receive Notifications- 
App notifications are a way that we can let you know about things that may be happening/helpful based upon your interests. Once you have downloaded the app.

Click the Hamburger Icon in the top right-hand corner. Press "settings," then "notifications," and then toggle on (green) all of the groups you want to hear from.

Discover Conversations
You can communicate and keep in touch with different groups at SJCC right from the app. From the app home screen click the top right part (conversation bubble). Press discover groups to find groups that you may want to stay connected with. Our Classes, Hobby groups, etc. have conversations right from the app. Some of our groups (like life groups) are set to private to allow expression of prayer requests and their own personal struggles. If you are interested in becoming a part of a life group, please send us an email at

Get Connected

Join our email list by sending a message to
Follow our public facebook page here:
Our private Facebook Page is just for our members at this time. We would love to have you become a part of the SJCC family too! We utilize this particular page for two-way communication between the church and our members. Due to the personal nature of some of the posts, we have reserved this page for our members to allow expression of prayer requests and their own personal struggles. If you are interested in becoming a member, please send us an email at, if you are already a member click "request access to private fb" below.
Follow us on YouTube.

Online Directory

If you are a member you can have access to our online directory.
Email for details, or call 904-737-2333.